Hungarian pigs cannot cope with competition

By: trademagazin Date: 2010. 05. 20. 08:00

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and fruit/vegetable products. Their last report reveals that this year we can expect a global growth in pork production and trade. While at the beginning of the year pig prices changed frequently on the world market, in the European Union they were lower in the first three months of 2010 than a year earlier.

Slaughter pig in the ‘E’ trading category had a 10 percent lower abattoir entry price if measured in Forint. Prices augmented in January-February, but a negative trend started in March. Domestic-bred slaughter pig prices in Hungary were 12 percent below last year’s. In total slaughters, import’s share was 27 percent, up 2 percent from the level a year earlier.

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