János Pataki president of National Guild of Hungarian Confectioners “They are concentrating on competitions”
– What do you expect from the ‘new’ Hoventa? – Hungexpo promised to redefine Hoventa. The new direction, for instance sponsoring culinary competitions open to the public, is noteworthy. The Lyon event could be a good example for the new Hoventa.
– You are organising another big competition… – The spring one at Foodapest-UKBA was successful and now it is time for Confectioner of the Year and Junior Confectioner of the Year. We would like to see more competitions in Hungary and more confectioners taking part.
– What can motivate talented young confectioners to participate? – We have to reach the level where winning this contest would mean real prestige. And of course there is prize money and the chance for the winner to learn abroad.
– What other programmes will you organise during Hoventa? – We will have a tasting session for traditional Hungarian cakes (Pozsony crescent, Rigójancsi, Mignon, Dobos cake) and we will celebrate the 125th birthday of Dobos cake with a small Dobos exhibition.
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