Vénusz Scone Vote: we are looking for the best scones of 2014
“The scone with sour cream and cheese is ready!” – Everyone associates to the hot summer and the sun by hearing this sentence and we can even smell the scent of the freshly baked scone.
The Vénusz is looking for the best scones of 2014. The Vénusz Lángos Voks (Vénusz Scone Vote) applications in addition to the prize winning game may be also useful during trips and vacations, since we can as simply view the scone map of Hungary, where we should go if we want to eat a delicious scone.
The Vénusz Scone Vote competition lasts until 17 August 2014.
You can find out more on the Vénusz Scone Vote applications and about the competition here:
http://apps.facebook.com/ langosvoks/
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