Warsaw welcomes Biden’s plan to set up silos to boost Ukrainian grain exports

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2022. 06. 15. 11:11
In an interview with Polish public service television on Wednesday, Polish Agriculture Minister Henryk Kowalczyk welcomed the announcement of Joe Biden to set up cross-border silos to boost Ukrainian grain exports.


“This is a very good announcement,” Kowalczyk responded that Biden had set out on Tuesday that American grain silos would be temporarily being set up on the borders of Ukraine, including Poland, to allow grain exports to expand on land. According to the US president, this is one way to curb rising food prices, which is also linked to the Russian attack on Ukraine and the blockade of Ukrainian ports.

According to Kowalczyk, the construction of silos is possible within three to four months. (Lucie Szymanowska, MTI)