Financing of corporate management systems

By: trademagazin Date: 2008. 10. 05. 08:00

Flexible financing arrangements have been developed by HostLogic Kft. to help SME-s in introducing ERP systems. Attila Molnár, sales director has talked about the possibilities open to clients. All of these are more favourable than companies financing system introduction from their own resources. The solution called SAP Financing has recently become available in Hungary as well. It is accessible to all SME-s, provided that the costs are incurred in connection with an SAP project. No collateral or down payment is required. The term of the loan is usually 5 years. Conditions can be adjusted to the cash-flow requirements of clients. This is an „all-inclusive” financing service, where all costs incurred during the lifecycle of an IT system are included. It is possible to start repayment only after introduction of the system has been completed. Another possibility is to rent the software and hardware, without paying a substantial sum in the beginning. HostLogic Kft. is the only supplier in Hungary offering such an ASP package. HostLogic can also help clients in applying for EU financing for SAP projects.

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