Newspapers, radio, magazine then TV, is the sort of trust in traditional media ads

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 07. 15. 00:23

In order, Hungarians trust in adverts of newspapers, radio and TV among the traditional media ads. In Europe, Television is leading in front of the newspapers.

According to Nielsen 's research among internet users of 50 countries – including Hungary; high proportion of consumers' trust in the newspaper editorial articles (in Europe reached 67, in Hungary 62 percent). 46-46 percent of the Hungarians trust in radio and in newspaper advertising. 45 percent trust in magazines ads, 44 percent in TV ads. The rate of Hungarians trusting in giant posters 44 percent, same as the European average.
The 73 percent trust rate, compared to the 66 percent trust rate of 2007 shows internet growing role. The aims of advertising, The respondents generally considered the sponsorship and promotion of sporting events, art exhibitions and cultural events as the most important aims of advertising.

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