Hungarian McDo and one of the most popular duos in Hungarian content production are preparing for a special collaboration

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 03. 04. 11:51

McDonald’s and one of the country’s most successful content producers, TheVR, are working together again. Last year, McDonald’s guests in Hungary were able to buy their own order of TheVR’s favorite Mekis, but now they are doing something completely different in their latest joint project.

Following their previous collaborations, this year the guys will be tasting unique product combinations put together by the restaurant chain’s team, which fans can follow in a live TikTok check-in.

Those who follow the duo’s channels were able to come across content last year in which they tasted different, unusual combinations made from McDonald’s products. Taking this idea further, the restaurant chain has now asked the pair to test the variations they dreamed up and decide which combo they could recommend from the ones they tasted.

All of this will be done in a TikTok live broadcast, which is also special because neither the Hungarian Meki nor The VR have previously logged in live on this platform.

“The VR – The Big Combo Show” can be watched on March 5th from 2:00 PM exclusively on TheVR’s TikTok channel. It will be worth following the live broadcast, because Meki and the guys are also preparing another surprise.

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