Nestlé Hungary: another big investment in Hungary

By: trademagazin Date: 2016. 05. 01. 22:39

Since entering the Hungarian market Nestlé has realised almost HUF 80 billion worth of investments in the country. Nestlé Hungary now invests more than HUF 20 billion in expanding the production capacity of its Bük pet food factory. The project will be completed by the end of 2017: 2 new production lines will be installed, together with 4 filling machines and automatic multipack packaging equipment. A 5,000m² new production hall will also be built, where 1.6 million products will be manufactured a day. Nestlé Hungary’s investment will create 70 new jobs directly, making the number of employees almost 1,000. The Bük pet food factory will become the group’s biggest in Europe. From the 140,000 tons of pet food ingredient supplied to the factory in a year 60 percent are sourced in Hungary. 90 percent of the products made here are sold abroad – mainly in Germany and in the UK.


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