Another compensation lawsuit started against the Four Paws

By: trademagazin Date: 2012. 08. 07. 11:14

After the 553 million HUF worth compensation lawsuit of Hungerit Zrt. another company, the Hortobágyi Lúdtenyésztő Zrt. initated compensation proceedings against the Four Paws animal rights organization. The first trial will be on 13 September in Debrecen. The claim amounts to 20 million HUF.

Similar to Hungerit, this company also turned to the court, because they think the foundation's activities caused serious damage to the company.

The Vienna-based, Four Paws is campagning against the consumption of Hungarian goose meat and foie gras from November 2006. With their action they reached, that Hungarian companies could not deliver the goods in question, to the stores of German and Austrian food chains for a while. (Magyar Nemzet Online)

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