Gábor Gál will be a member of the GVH Competition Council for another six years

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 08. 01. 11:35

On the recommendation of Balázs Csaba Rigó, the President of the Economic Competition Office, the President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok appointed Gábor Gál – after the termination of his first six-year mandate on September 30, 2024 – as a member of the GVH Competition Council for another six-year term with effect from October 1, 2024 – the GVH announced on Thursday with MTI.

Gábor Gábor graduated from the law faculty of ELTE in 1998 and later obtained an L.LM degree at the University College of London. He started his career as a lawyer candidate and a lawyer, then from 2006 he became an official of the European Commission, where he first dealt with telecommunications regulation at the Directorate General DG CNECT, and then with antitrust cases and competition policy at the Directorate General DG COMP. Since October 1, 2018, he has been a member of the Competition Council of the Economic Competition Office, mainly dealing with antitrust, cartel and consumer protection matters. He has significant experience in regulatory and competition law aspects of networked industries, digital markets, and e-commerce, they wrote in the announcement.

The Competition Council of the GVH performs tasks defined by law, its work is organized and managed by the President of the Competition Council, and individual cases are judged by a three- or five-member Competition Council appointed by the President of the Competition Council.

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