Géza Takács became the president of the Seed Association for another 5 years

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 05. 26. 10:54

Géza Takács remained the president of the Inter-Trade Organization and Product Council of the Seed Association. The agricultural expert, who was appointed to the board’s leading position in 2007, will perform the duties of the president until 2028. The vice presidents of the association are István Cs. Nagy, Tibor Mátrai and Gyula Vida.

Géza Takács started his career in the seed plant of the Martonvásár research institute in 1974. From 1986, he participated in the creation of the seed program of the IKR in Bábolna, where he managed the sector until 2010. He currently works as the managing director of Hungaroseed Kft. In 2007, Géza Takács was elected president of the Inter-Trade Organization and Product Council of the Seed Association, whose duties he has been performing ever since. He received the presidential mandate for another five years, until 2028, at the Vetőmag Szövetsé’s delegate meeting in Martonvásár. István Cs. Nagy, Tibor Mátrai and dr. Gyula Vida was elected by the delegates. Benő Kökeny, Róbert Laczkó, Péter Patakfalvi and Péter Perczel became the section committee presidents.