Tourism development in the Zemplén from 1.6 billion forints
The Zemplén Project aims to increase tourist attraction, especially for the development of existing tourist attractions in the region of Sátoraljaújhely.
Horváth Jenő consortium leader considers necessary the development of national attractions like the Károlyi Palace of Füzérradvány, the Castle of Füzér, forest railway of Pálháza, the Porcelain museum of Hollóháza and the Nature Park of the Nagy-Milic.
According to the datas in 2008, about 250 thousand tourists visted these sights, while the number of overnight stays were 80 thousand in 2007. The number of accommodation capacity in the same year was 2965.
In the course of the development a visitors centre will be built in Hollóháza and in Füzérkajata, historical park will be developed in Pusztafalu and the Károlyi Palace of Füzérradvány, the Castle of Füzér will be partially reconstructed – reports MTI.
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