An oversupply and a new plant disease threaten this year’s tomatoes

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 04. 10. 11:01

Hungarian growers have no experience with the bacterium Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum yet, according to Nébih, its spread can lead to a 100% crop loss, while earlier concerns of oversupply were also raised by growers.

Another dangerous pathogen with serious economic damage has reared its head in our country. The bacterium Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum was first identified in Europe in 2015. In Dutch rose-growing farms, growers noticed symptoms of unknown origin on different varieties of roses, laboratory tests later established that the symptoms were caused by this bacterium. After the identification, the Dutch authorities notified all affected countries – where these items could have been – of the infection caused by the bacteria. In the same year, the competent authority in Belgium also found infected roses, and the following year, the pathogen was also identified in Poland, reports Világgazdaság.