Transfer-price business breakfast – an invitation

By: trademagazin Date: 2012. 01. 10. 13:26

A brand new business breakfast is going to open its gates by PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Hungary Ltd.) on 26th January 2012, with a major focus on transfer-prices which had been introduced on 1st January 2012.

The event will be held on 26th January from 9 to 11 am, at the conference room of PWC. (1077 Bp., Wesselényi utca 16.), with tickets for 15 thousand HUF (the second person from a company may join the event free of charge). The language of the business breakfast is Hungarian, you can get more info at Füleky Ági, Tel: 06-1/461-9309

Sign up here

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