We still consciously pick the place of our shopping

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2010. 11. 02. 18:23

According to a study titled ‘Retail analyses 2010, the first six months’, made by GfK Hungária, in the first quarter of 2010 a positive trend characterised households’ spending on food and household chemicals, but the second quarter brought a rather sharp decline. In the first seven months Hungarian households spent 0.4 percent less on FMCG products than a year before. The average household went shopping to nearly 8 different retail chains, which means that shoppers still make conscious decisions when deciding where to go shopping. Hypermarket-goers are the most loyal, but most shoppers are willing to visit several units for a better offer. GfK Hungária’s Consumer Tracking sector manager, Krisztina Kovács told Trade magazin that the market share of private label products reached 27 percent in the first half of 2010.

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