Sales prices of industry growing
According to Hungarian National Statistical Office the domestic sales prices of industry rose by 0.9% in January 2009 compared to the previous month and were 4.4% higher than in January 2008.
Export sales prices of industry measured in HUF went up by
4.3% compared to December 2008 and increased by 6.0% compared to the
corresponding month of the previous year. Industrial producer prices involving
both domestic and export sales prices were 3.0% higher than in the previous
month and 5.3% higher than a year before. Domestic sales prices of industry rose by 0.9% compared to
the previous month.
Domestic sales prices of manufacturing branches were
slightly higher (0.2%) in January compared to those measured in December 2008.
Substantial price increases occurred in the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical
products and pharmaceutical preparations (1.2%), in other manufacturing, repair
and installation of industrial machinery and equipment (0.8%) and in the manufacture
of computer, electronic and optical products (0.7%) this month. The prices of
food industrial branches rose by 0.3%. Prices diminished in the manufacture of
chemicals and chemical products (1.4%) and in the manufacture of transport equipment
(0.2%), while the prices of refined petroleum products remained practically
unchanged (-0.1%). As for the
remaining manufacturing branches price rises ranged between
0.1% and 0.5%. Prices of electricity, gas, steam and airconditioning supply,
representing a considerable proportion in domestic sales of industry, increased
by 1.9% in January, while the fees of water collection, treatment and supply
rose by 7.3% compared to the previous month.
Compared to January 2008, the highest price increase within
the domestic sales of manufacturing branches was observed again this month in
the manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products (10.3%). A price
rise of 5.1% was observed in the manufacture of transport equipment. Prices of
rubber, plastic and other non-metallic mineral products rose by 3.5% and those
of electrical equipment and machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified
both by 3.2% compared to the same month of the previous year. In food industry,
representing a significant weight within the domestic sales of industry, a 2.5%
price increase was observed. The most significant price fall compared to
January 2008 was recorded in the manufacture of refined petroleum products
(12.6%). In the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products and in textile
industry prices decreased to a more moderate extent (by 6.7% and 2.4%,
respectively). Prices of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical
preparations were 0.1% lower, i.e. essentially unchanged compared to the
corresponding period of the previous year. In the remaining manufacturing
branches price rises varied between 1.3% and 3.0%. In manufacturing as a whole,
prices went up by 0.5% in the last twelve months. Prices of electricity, gas,
steam and air-conditioning supply and water collection, treatment and supply were 12.5% and 9.3% higher,
respectively, than a year before.
Among the end-use groups of branches in domestic sales the
prices of energy and intermediate producer branches, consumer goods producer
branches and capital goods producer branches showed monthly rises of 1.2%, 0.4%
and 0.2%, respectively in January 2009. Compared to the corresponding month of
the previous year the highest price increases were recorded in energy and
intermediate producer branches and in capital goods producer branches; in both
branches the same price rise (4.6%) was measured. A lower, 3.7% price increase
was measured in consumer goods producer branches.
Export sales prices of industry as a whole measured in HUF
were 4.3% higher in January 2009 than in the previous month, and rose by 6.0%
compared to January 2008. The HUF depreciated by 5.9% against the EUR and 7.6%
against the USD in comparison to the previous month, and by 9.3% against the
EUR and 21.6% against the USD compared to January 2008.
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