Rice may become more expensive

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 18. 11:06

The Government of India has considered easing export restrictions on non-basmati rice and other agricultural products to ease the plight of distressed producers and traders. The country’s economy relies heavily on the agricultural sector, and the government aims to reduce the negative effects of export restrictions on players in the sector.

Non-basmati rice is an important export commodity in India, and the restrictions have caused significant losses to growers who have been unable to take advantage of demand in international markets. By restarting exports, the government aims to increase revenues and support the growth of the agricultural sector.

The mitigation proposals are also aimed at boosting trade relations, especially with countries that import large quantities of agricultural products from India. The lifting of export restrictions could boost India’s agricultural exports and contribute to economic growth while providing farmers with a more stable livelihood.

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