More than four thousand packs of cigarettes were found in a Belgian van near Nagylak

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 04. 11. 09:03

The tax inspectors found more than four thousand packs of cigarettes in a van with Belgian license plates at the Nagylaki border crossing, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told MTI on Thursday.

The vehicle was transporting various foodstuffs. The 4,530 packs of cigarettes with Bulgarian stamps were found with the help of Lili, the cigarette-detecting dog of the NAV Deployment Directorate, in the cargo space packed to the ceiling, hidden behind the legal goods lined up on the back wall.

The uniformed officers examined the entire inventory, and it turned out that the driver tried to deliver about 90 liters of alcohol products to Belgium in addition to the smuggled cigarettes.