Students receive fruits in more than two thousand schools regularly in Hungary
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 400 grams of vegetables and / or fruits to be consumed per day for a healthy person. In comparison, the average daily fruit and vegetable intake is 300 grams global, the EU average is 136 grams and in Hungary an average of 100 grams.
Therefore the European Community launched the School Fruit Scheme in 2009. A total of 25 European Unioin Member States have joined to the program (including Hungary five years ago), so the program affects 8.6 million students of 61,000 schools.
In Hungary, more than 538,000 students of2,032 schools receive at least two kinds of fruit at least two times a week, at. Thus, more than 45 million fruits (75%) and fruit juice (25%) are distributed among school students between 1-6. grade.
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