The Food Bank Association’s Donation Convoy to carry 50 tons of food for the needy
The Hungarian Food Bank Association launches its Donation Convoy every year on 16 October on the World Food Day jointly with the FAO. The initative would like to draw your attention to the fight against hunger.
The 9th Food Bank Donation Convoy is carrying more than 50 tons of food products to the needy in Hungary. The companies that are participating in the convoy: Alföldi Tej Kft, Bijó Élelmiszer Kereskedelmi Kft, Bonafarm Csoport, Bonbonetti Csoport, Danone Kft, Famíliatészta Kft, Füri Tésztaipari és Élelmiszerforgalmazó Kft, Gyermelyi Zrt, Izsáki Házitészta Kft, METRO Nagykereskedelem, Nestlé Hungária Kft, NT Kft, Penny Market Kft, Sága Foods Zrt, Soós Tésztaipari Kft, TESCO Globál Áruházak Zrt, Unilever Magyarország Kft,Univer Zrt. (by our colleague)
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