The government has helped to create more than 170 community markets

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 08. 31. 11:22
The government helped to create more than 170 producer markets with a more than 12 billion HUF worth of calls for proposals from the Rural Development Program – the State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources responsible for EU development policy said at the transfer of the Szamoscseg-Szatmár-Bereg county municipal market.

Vitályos Eszter emphasized at the ceremony that the development of public services is important in the life of a village and that the local market, as well as the municipal kindergarten, school or doctor’s office, has a huge retaining power.

Its existence helps a lot to make a living, gives jobs to the local community and can strengthen the local economy – the Secretary of State said, noting that the new village market, built with nearly 45 million forints through domestic and EU support, helps local production traditions in Szamosszeg. (MTI)