Thousands of jobs can be created if more goods will arrive from the Far East

By: Trademagazin Date: 2018. 01. 11. 10:03

Thousands of jobs can be created, as well as substantial investments and will increase revenue of the state budget if it will be possible to get more merchants from the Far East exporrting to the EU to clear the products through customs in Hungary – the Co-Chairman of the Customs, Excise and Tax Service Association told Magyar Idők.

In the Monday issue of Magyar Idők, Bók Mihály believed that one-forint customs revenue could bring about more than forty, or even fifty forints, additional tax revenue for the state.

He stressed that not only financial benefits could come into play. There is a need for a sufficient number of administrators, but the importance of guarding and finance is also important in the field of freight forwarding and logistics. (MTI, origo)