With more conciousness

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 03. 06. 00:48

Dr János Serényi, Értéktrend Consulting,
President of the MagyarBrands programme:

SerenyiJanos_REF_Magya_optWho are the best?’ – the jury asked themselves, when panel members started evaluating the 900 entries of the MagyarBrands competition according to the 7 criteria. It is true that in the Hungary of today customers like it best if products are ‘cheap’ or possibly ‘the cheapest’ and care less about whether they are made in Hungary. Still, a growing number of Hungarian firms believe in the importance of brand building and it is them who are willing to have their brands evaluated: they know that this could differentiate their products from competitors’. As a shopper and a member of the jury I am happy about every initiative or programme that directs our attention to exemplary Hungarian products

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