Fifteen Italian cities competing for the European Capital of Culture
Venice… But Ravenna, Siena, L’Aquila, Amalfi, Matera, Palermo, Brindisi and Terni as well. These are the Italian cities that are applying to become the European Capital of Culture for 2019.
The national competition will be published at the end of 2012 and the final selection is expected in 2014, but there are already many applications, to better address the complex phase of planning activities.
The objectives of the Community “European Capitals of Culture” are different: to highlight the richness and diversity of European cultures but also to celebrate the cultural ties that unite the member countries, to promote mutual understanding between European citizens of different states and to strengthen their sense of belonging to the EU.
In particular, the initiative aims to promote culture as an engine of development for the area, and the title of European Capital of Culture is an instrument of exceptional importance for the development of urban areas. First of all, thanks to the EU’s financial contribution, of 1.5 million euros, which allows you to create spaces and upgrading infrastructure, in addition to bringing new ideas to the cultural sector, providing the city to raise its profile locally and International.
Venice didn’t apply alone: in fact, she is supported by the entire Northeast, with the regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.
The goal of all candidates is to reach and, possibly even exceed, the success of Genova in 2004, with 439 events and more than 2.8 million viewers. It has seen more than € 220 million generated only from this fact and an increase in tourism in contrast to the rest of the country (+16% in arrivals, up 8% of admissions).
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