Fifteen Hungarian companies may export food to Russia

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 05. 20. 11:37

The Russian Federal Veterinary and Plant Protection Service (Rosszelhoznadzor) allowed fifteen Hungarian, two Cypriot and a few Greek companies to export their products to Russia if the food embargo to be ceased – Sergey Dankvert, head of the Rosszelhoznadzor told at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday.


Russia ordered a ban on food imports from EU countries, Norway, Canada, the United States and Australia on 8 August last year. This year, several European Union countries asked Russia to cancel or at least ease the embargo. Russian inspectors checked dozens of Hungarian, Greek and Cypriot food companies in late April and if Russia terminates the ban, the audited Hungarian, Greek and Cypriot companies can immediately deliver their products again. (MTI)

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