TÉSZ: pros and contras
The supply chain of fruits and vegetables in the EU is based on the sales co-operatives of producers (TÉSZ). At the moment, only 68 such organisations exist in Hungary and only 8 have official recognition. Official recognition is a factor in financing and eligibility to subsidies. Many organisations like RónaKer TÉSZ in Szabadszállás, have not yet achieved full recognition as they have not completed their development programs yet. is. For Fresh Fruit Szövetkezet in Kecel, illegal trade is the biggest problem. Transactions in the black market are settled in cash, whereas it takes between two weeks and three months for invoices to be paid in official channels. Euro TÉSZ Kft. in Dombegyháza, the largest vegetable producer in the country, which supplies a third of the vegetables used by Bonduelle and Globus has no difficulties in paying members. The best know TÉSZ is Mórakert Szövetkezet, with annual revenues of HUF 8 billion. They have entered new foreign markets recently which is hoped to offset the decline in domestic demand.
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