For 5 years, Tesco has been continuously reducing the amount of food waste generated in its operations

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 07. 21. 10:54

In the world, 2.5 billion tons of food is wasted every year, that is, about 40% of all produced food ends up in the trash, for which producers, the food industry, retail and households are all responsible. For five years, Tesco has been working to reduce the amount of food waste at every stage of the process from farm to table. The supermarket chain was the first of the Central European retail companies to publish the amount of food waste generated in its operations in 2017, which it has since reduced by 69 percent in Hungary. During this time, it saved nearly 31,400 tons of food from being thrown away and offered it to those in need, thereby contributing to the reduction of harmful emissions by around 100,500 tons.