Product Council: about 500-550 thousand tons of apple yield is expected this year

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2017. 09. 06. 11:50

Due to the spring frosts, the lack of rain and the warm weather of the past one and a half months this year, only about 500-550 thousand tons of apple production can be expected and fruit quality is below the average – according to the comprehensive report of the ÉKASZ Interprofessional Association and Product Council and the FruitVeB Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product Council.

According to a statement sent to MTI on Tuesday, 510 thousand tons of apples were produced in Hungary last year, which is somewhat weaker than the average. This year’s harvest was largely determined by the early flowering of apple in mid-April, about half past two weeks earlier than usual, which was followed by frosts and windy and cool weather. In mid-July, crop yield was still moderate, however, due to the nearly one and a half months lack of rainfall and very hot weather, fruit growth stopped in most crop areas. As a result, up to 500-550 thousand tons of apple yield is expected this year. (MTI)

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