Rossmann helped with flood protection with products

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 24. 10:00

Rossmann Hungary delivered hygiene products and energy bars to the water management staff working on the defense lines through the National Water Technical Management Team (OMIT).

Rossmann helped flood defenses with a product donation worth several hundred thousand forints. The drug store approached OMIT with the help of them to deliver the offer centrally to the areas where the water employees who work around the clock on defense lines need it the most.

“Social responsibility is extremely important to Rossmann, and we considered it a priority to participate in flood protection with our own resources. We are confident that our offer, which we put together on the basis of the specific needs and requirements of the water bodies, can somewhat ease the difficulties faced by those working in the defense”

– stated the management of Rossmann.

“At the moment, more than 1,000 of our water-related employees are protecting our state defense lines, and in many places we are also helping with the defense works in the settlements. As the central organization that manages the defense, we believe that the products offered by Rossmann are of great help to our employees who provide round-the-clock service on the defense lines. With the offered quantities, we can supply 3-4 defense sections”

– said István Láng, director-general of the National Directorate-General for Water, head of OMIT, when asked by Rossmann.

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