Tag "vegetáriánus élelmiszer"

Sustainable shrimp – Video of the day

US-based New Wave Foods is using plants and sustainably sourced seaweed to create an environmentally friendly version of shrimp. It could become a sustainable alternative to the 1.4 billion pounds...

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Co-op UK went meat-free in January

Co-op has revealed a new meat-free range just in time for the vegan January (Veganuary). They realised their biggest launch of vegan products with new brand Gro. Made up by...

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Unilever buys ‘Vegetarian Butcher’

Unilever has acquired Dutch ‘vegetarian butcher’ company De Vegatarische Slager. The Utrecht-based ambitious manufacturer of meat substitutes established 4,000 points of sale in 17 countries in 11 years. Their products...

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