Tag "vásárlási szokások"

Magazine: TOP 10 shopper trends in 2018

Euromonitor International has collected those factors that will have the biggest influence on the world’s shopping habits in 2018. The main characteristic of ‘clean-living’ shoppers is that they are trying to...

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Waitrose food forecast for 2018

British supermarket chain Waitrose conducted a survey in 2017, according to which two thirds of shoppers visit grocery stores more than once a day, especially 18-24 year old consumers. Many people...

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Magazine: How do shoppers see retail chains?

Why is people’s perception of retailers important? Because subjective reasons also come into the picture when they decide where to do the shopping. In March Kantar Hoffmann conducted a shopping...

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Magazine: Comprehensive survey on shopping habits

In 2014 POPAI Hungary Association conducted a representative shopping habits survey, with the involvement of 23,000 shoppers in 6 hypermarkets. The study’s objective was to give relevant information on consumer decision...

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The cold weather turns the buying habits upside down

The unusual cold weather turns the buying habits upside down and will likely to pull back the shopkeepers’ revenue – piacesprofit.hu wrote According to the current observations no decrease will...

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SPAR re-opens its network on Sundays on April 24

The SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. introduces new opening hours from Sunday across the country. SPAR expects that due to the termination of the Sunday store closure, the shopping habits will...

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Nielsen: we want a pleasant shopping experience when we choose a store

When people generally select among four or five grocery stores the number one aspect is the pleasant purchasing experience. The second most important factor is to find easily and quickly...

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