Tag "uniós források"

Farmers can use three times more resources for investments

We are committed to continuously increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and the food industry and to protecting the environment – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the farmers’ forum...

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Hungarian agricultural subsidies will continue to be predictable in the future

Hungarian agricultural subsidies will continue to be predictable in the future and provide support to farmers even in difficult economic conditions, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on his social...

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Hungary is the first to draw EU funds

In 2018, the European Commission allocated 4.4 billion euros to Hungary, ie more than 1,400 billion HUF development funds – said Schanda Tamás, Minister of State of the Innovation and...

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Great changes to come in the use of EU funds

It will be a serious challenge for the Member States to assess the use of resources in the EU budget cycle of 2021-2027. It may be necessary to plan twice...

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ÁSZ: economic processes are favorable to, but delays in EU funds pose a risk

Macroeconomic developments were favorable in the first half of the year, however, the delay in the arrival of EU funds and the over-spending of budgetary institutions pose risks – the...

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The Hungarian Development Center helps applicants to acquire EU funds

The Hungarian Development Center, helps Hungarian applicants to successfully take part in the acquisition of EU funds directly from Brussels with coordination and operational information – Kiss Antal ministerial commissioner...

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The EU funds in the Balaton region will be more than expected

Due to the succesful tenders, the Balaton region can use more EU funds than the proposed 250 billion HUF – was said at the meeting of the Balaton Development Council...

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Budapest Bank survey on EU funds

Hungary’s companies have claimed 270 billion HUF of preferential credit products combined with non-refundable EU grants, which is more than half of the announced budget – Budapest Bank (BB) told...

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Garantiqa: the small businesses would be develop from EU sources

In the next year, nearly a quarter of the Hungarian micro-enterprises and 41 percent of the small businesses plan to apply for EU funds – according to a surveys of...

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CIB Bank: GDP in Hungary could grow around 3 percent this year

This year the Hungarian GDP could grow around 3 percent, according to CIB Bank analysts, mainly due to the increase in domestic demand and the use of EU funds –...

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KAVOSZ: 2017 will be a strong year in the use of EU funds

2017 will be a strong year in the use of EU funds because an incredible amount of EU funds will arrive to the market – Krisán László, CEO of the...

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The Chamber of Agriculture does not support the transfer of EU funds

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) does not support the transfer of EU agricultural funds – the public body told MTI on Wednesday. According to the information, the NAK...

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NGM: applications, supporting capacity building and facilitating market entry have received support

New support decisions were born within the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP). Now 26 developments won approximately 375 million HUF development funds – Rákossy Balázs, Minister of State...

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Agricultural Forum in Debrecen

Although the European Commission has adopted the rural development program only a year ago, 70 percent of the 1294 billion HUF of funding for Hungary, about 900 million HUF is...

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MVH: the versatile use of EU funds for rural development

Local governments, nonprofit organizations and even churches are eligible to apply for EU rural development funds in a wide variety of sectors such as the food industry, irrigation development and...

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GINOP: more than 1,000 billion HUF for economic development

More than 1,000 billion HUF new source will be available for economic development and innovation, research and development in 2016 – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) informed on Tuesday....

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The trade can also make profit with the EU funds

The commercial sector can profit from the use of the EU funds, not as a primary candidate, but for as a supplier for example – Csepreghy Nándor, Minister of State...

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The strengthening of the primary producer organizations is a sectoral priority

The strengthening of the primary producer organizations is a sectoral priority. The government plans an important role to the producers' co-operation in the revitalization of the agricultural sector – the...

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The third of the GINOP funds will be available this year

More than 900 billion HUF EU development funds will be available later this year for the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which is the third of the 2,700 billion HUF...

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