Tag "termőföld"

Water retention in agricultural fields

The most important incentive for farmers is to get to know examples that work in their own environment, followed only by support opportunities – stated Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary...

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OTP: the arable land market contracted last year as well

The arable land market narrowed further in 2023: in 29 percent fewer transactions, 3 percent less arable land changed hands than a year earlier – according to the latest OTP...

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The state offers almost 20,000 hectares of plots of land for purchase

Another parcel of land exceeding 10 hectares may be given to the farmers. With the measure, the Ministry of Agriculture supports small and medium-sized farmers and local producers in getting...

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The parliamentary debate on agrarian laws has begun

The main goal of the draft law is to increase the competitiveness of the Hungarian agricultural sector, reduce administrative burdens and promote the uniform application of the law – summed...

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Digitization contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the food industry

Technological development and the rise of IT tools can revolutionize the food industry, creating opportunities in the field of transparency, efficiency and safety, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the...

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MTT: a priority task is to preserve the productivity of domestic soils

On Wednesday, the Hungarian Soil Association (MTT) is holding an awareness-raising campaign day at around half a hundred points in the country – Agroinform.hu wants to draw the public’s attention...

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The price of farmland in Hungary fell for the first time in more than ten years last year

Last year, the rising trend of the land market, which had lasted for more than a decade and was around 10 percent per year, was broken. The average price of agricultural...

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The land sale program continues

More than 1,300 pieces of state-owned land with an area of less than 10 hectares will be offered for sale through a public tender in the land sale program, which...

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Hungary’s EU presidency: soil protection is the basis of everything

Our country stands by the basic principle that the food coming into the Union must comply with the same rules and regulations that the EU imposes on its own producers...

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A priority goal is to improve the soil condition

Improving the condition of the soil and increasing the water retention capacity is a priority policy goal, which is supported by the new Common Agricultural Policy with more tools than...

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Last year’s legislative proposals of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy were successful

Legislation did not rest in the past year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) also took an active part in the development and amendment of legislation affecting agriculture and...

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Agrometeorology: the size of inland water areas in the Great Plain is increasing

In recent days, precipitation has arrived in several waves, significant snow cover has formed in many places, but the size of inland water areas is increasing in the Great Plain,...

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Szeged researchers were the first to characterize the phosphate transport protein of green algae

The staff of the Szeged Biological Research Center belonging to the Hungarian Research Network were the first to characterize a phosphate transport protein found in green algae, the result may...

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The agrarian salad law is before the parliament

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced that the amendments to the agricultural laws serve to increase the protection of agricultural lands, support irrigated farming and reduce administrative burdens. The head...

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Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture

Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture and insists that unknown technology does not endanger Hungarian society without trial, said the Minister of Agriculture at the hearing before the Sustainable Development Committee...

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Tense dilemmas in the regulation of European agriculture

Environmental sustainability is one of the most difficult topics of our time from a civilizational point of view. Although we deal a lot with the feasibility of sustainable development at the...

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Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century

Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century, thanks to the development resources it can return to the forefront of Europe within a few years – said...

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Farmland and water must be preserved for future generations

Agricultural land, water, ecological diversity and forest must be preserved for future generations by the state and everyone, said the Minister of Agriculture on Thursday in Budapest. At the Planet...

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Blue Planet – János Áder: innovations make agriculture more attractive to young people

AgroVIR Kft., which develops agriculture with digital tools, was presented by former President János Áder in the broadcast of his Blue Planet podcast published on Monday, which can also be...

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Land sales by auction will continue

Another parcel of land exceeding 10 hectares may be given to the farmers. With the measure, the Ministry of Agriculture supports small and medium-sized farmers and local producers in getting land....

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Tobacco producers are inspected by NAV

From the middle of summer, with the start of the tobacco harvest, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) will once again inspect the producers. NAV informed MTI on Saturday...

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The price of agricultural land rose by almost 10 percent last year

The amounts to be paid for agricultural land in Hungary continued to rise in 2022, and the price increase accelerated to more than nine percent after 8.5 percent in 2021...

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Sewage sludge can improve the condition of the soil

Due to poor agricultural practices and climate change, soil is deteriorating at an accelerating rate worldwide, which natural processes cannot offset. Instead of artificial fertilizers, however, the use of sewage...

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Feel free to eat local fruits

The responsible and conscious decision in all areas is to consume seasonal, i.e., domestic fruit harvested at the time of natural ripening, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The head...

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FruitVeb: there is currently no threat of a drought in the country

There is no threat of drought in the country for the time being, only the soil surface is dry in some areas of the south-eastern part of the country –...

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This year’s border checks have started

The government offices have started the implementation of the 2023 border inspections. Pursuant to the law, the land must be utilized with production appropriate to the branch of cultivation, or...

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The Polish government has adopted a farmer support package

The Polish government adopted a package to help farmers on Friday, according to which, among other things, additional support will be paid to the purchase price of cereals and a...

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The government condemns and opposes all forms of introduction of local land taxes

The Ministry of Agriculture and the government stand by the Hungarian farmers and therefore condemn and oppose all forms of the introduction of local land taxes, said the Minister of...

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A new peat humate plant was handed over in Mezőkövesden

The establishment of the peat humate plant of Agriturf 2022 Zrt. also proves that there are good answers to the difficulties and challenges of the past years in agriculture, said...

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The average price of farmland in 2022 broke the HUF 2 million mark

In 2022, the average price of agricultural land per hectare increased by 11 percent, similar to previous years, and thus crossed the psychological limit of HUF 2 million – Agrotax...

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