Tag "tejszelet"
Strong brands bathed in milk
Date: 2025-03-10 11:34:43
Consumers are used to strong brands in the dairy snack category, and they expect and value the quality guarantees that brands offer. This makes the category more resistant to external...
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Innovation willingness isn’t frozen in the chilled dairy snack category
Date: 2024-03-07 12:03:25
There is good news and bad news for the chilled dairy snack category (chilled milk bars and cottage cheese based desserts): there has been a double-digit decline in volume sales...
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Tejsüti dipped in chocolate
Date: 2018-02-25 07:37:49
Th e Pöttyös product line welcomes a new addition: MEGaCSOKI is basically dairy snack Tejsüti dipped in chocolate. Pöttyös’ senior brand manager Andrea Szabó told that the new product is already available in shops all over...
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Tejsüti + a csoki = Tejsüti MEGaCSOKI
Date: 2018-02-10 06:14:09
A much-needed new addition to the Pöttyös product range: MEGaCSOKI is basically Tejsüti dipped in chocolate; this version of the product didn’t exist before. It is an even more delicious...
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