Tag "szürkemarha"

The Ministry of Agriculture particularly supports the preservation of indigenous varieties

The Ministry of Agriculture provides a lot of energy and significant resources for the preservation and development of our indigenous breeds, such as gray cattle, said Zsolt Feldman, the State...

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Annual sales of 300,000 hamburgers ensure the survival of 700 gray cattle

Its ancestors may have arrived in the Carpathian basin with the conquering Hungarians, and it nearly died out in the 1960s. Kenyeres Birtok, which owns more than 15 percent of...

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Gray beef is the focus of Hungary’s food cooking competition

The meat of the Hungarian gray beef will be the obligatory ingredient in the Hungarian food 2022 cooking competition, which is related to the Petőfi Memorial Year, was said at...

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Great interest surrounded the Hungarian pavilion at the Turin flavor festival

Huge interest surrounded the stand of Hungary and the quality products exhibited there at the Slow Food movement’s International Festival in Turin, which is dedicated to the conservation of gastronomic...

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Nagy István: the gray-cattle has a great future

The fate of the Hungarian gray cattle is a proof that in addition that it has a past and present it has a serious future as well- Nagy István, Minister...

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Hungarian gray cattle can be registered in Slovakia as well

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture and Csicsai Gábor Minister of State of the Slovak Ministry of Agriculture negotiated over the possibility of the Slovakian...

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The meat of indigenous animals can appear in the canteens

The canteens should also serve the meat of native animals – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture emphasized. In the current EU budget cycle more resources can be used on indigenous...

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