Tag "szekszárdi borvidék"

High quality grapes are expected in the Szekszárd wine region

They expect high-quality grapes in the Szekszárd wine region, where the harvest of white grapes is nearing its end, and the yield of some vineyards exceeds last year’s quantity. The...

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Wandering in Tolna and Baranya

Trade magazine has been invited to a press trip in Tolna and Baranya counties. The first stop in the tour was Donautica Hotel and Restaurant in Fadd-Dombori that opened in...

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(HU) Újdonságok az ALDI Borvilágából

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Erste is working with winemakers

Erste Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the representatives of the Szekszárd Wine Region for the development of the wine region. At Erste, the financing of agricultural and food...

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Investing and/or Love?

In Hungary, winery is typically an enterprise created with love. This was the case with Countess Mária Terézia Zichy and her later husband, Clemens Twickel baron, who left the country...

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A good vintage is expected in the Szekszárd wine region

An outstanding vintage like last year is expected in in the wine region of Szekszárd, where harvest is approaching its end. Bősz Adrián, president of the wine region told MTI...

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Harvest began earlier in the Szekszárd wine region

Harvesting in the Szekszárd wine region started about 1.5 – 2 weeks earlier. Producers expect better than average vintage both in quantity and quality and higher buying-in prices – the...

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The old vine from Maribor to be planted in Szekszárd

The oldest known vine of the world will be planted in Szekszárd in the courtyard of the Roman Catholic parish on Sunday. The vine was donated by the president of...

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The volume of bottled wines may increase in the Szekszárd wine region

With the support of the Rural Development Program (VP), the wineries of the Szekszárd wine region will implemend a nearly two and a half billion forints worth development, with investments...

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Tork’s horeca ambassador


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Smaller grape yield is expected, due to hail in the Szekszárd wine region

Due to the hail, occured on hundreds of hectares smaller grape harvest is expected, compared to last year in the Szekszárd wine region, while in the non-damaged areas quality grapes...

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More than forty programs at the Pentecost Fish and Wild Festival in Szekszárd

The second Fish and Wild Festival in Szekszárd awaits its guests with open cellars, more than forty performances, concerts, family programs and many specialties, during the Pentecost weekend. Ács Rezső...

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The Hungarian Wine Academy announces the winner of the “Winemaker of the Year 2016 in Hungary” title

On 2 December 2016 at 12 pm, the winner of the “Winemaker of the Year 2016 in Hungary” title was announced at the press conference of the Hungarian Wine Academy....

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The Twickel Kajmád Rosé won gold medal

The Twickel Vineyards competed at the Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada International Wine Competition for the first time. At the 33rd Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada International Wine Competition, which...

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The farmers expect a better vintage at the Szekszárd wine region compsred to last year

More and better grapes are expected at the Szekszárd wine region this year, where harvest begins with the early varieties of grapes for rosé wines. The winemakers of the wine-growing...

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The Szekszárd wine region was also recognized at the Blood Donor Day

We celebrate the blood donors in Hungary on 27 November. The Hungarian Red Cross greeted the multiple blood donors and supporters of blood donation on this day. On the Blood...

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Several thousand people took part at the 6th half marathon of the Szekszárd wine region

More than three thousand people took part at the 6th half marathon of the Szekszárd wine region during the weekend in Szekszárd. The city's mayor told that the event became...

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The Geometry helps to develop the branding strategy of the Twickel Vineyards

The Twickel Vineyards in Szekszárd commissioned the Geometry communications agency with the renewal of its brand. The Twickel Vineyards is the largest winery of the Szekszárd Wine Region with a...

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