Tag "SPAR ENJOY! Convenience"

SPAR sales exceed a thousand billion forints in 2023

Sales by SPAR Magyarország reached HUF 1,060.3bn in 2023. At the end of last year SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. operated a total of 641 stores. Together with the franchise network,...

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15.6% growth and 915.7-billion-forint sales revenue for SPAR in 2022

Gabriella Heiszler, president-CEO of SPAR Magyarország: “In a large part our good results come from adapting flexibly to customer needs throughout the year, never forgetting about our main goals: serving...

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Three INTERSPAR stores were modernised this year – with new functions added

SPAR Magyarország has recently invested nearly HUF 11bn in modernising three hypermarkets in Budapest (in the GOBUDA Mall), Nyíregyháza and Pécs. They are now waiting for shoppers with an updated...

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Magazine: SPAR celebrated its 30-year anniversary in 2021

In spite of the pandemic, SPAR’s sales performance was HUF 791.8bn in 2021, 7.2% better than in 2020. At the end of last year there were 614 SPAR stores in...

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Magazine: SPAR makes progress in every area

In spite of the challenges that 2020 brought, SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. came up with an excellent performance. Compared with 2019, sales augmented by 8.7 percent to reach HUF 738.9...

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SPAR: progress in every area

SPAR Magyarország closed 2018 with an almost 10-percent sales increase. The company invested HUF 32 billion in building 6 new stores and modernising another 17 last year. Sales of the franchise...

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SPAR partner programme: the successful programme is in its sixth year now

Today 158 franchise shops belong to SPAR’s popular and successful retail model, giving work to 1,500 people and realising sales of more than HUF 40 billion. In just one year 25...

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SPAR: record turnover and a new plant in Üllő

The SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. has built up its SPAR enjoy. convenience plant from more than 1.2 billion forints. In the premises of the company’s logistics center in Üllő, daily...

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SPAR builds new factory in Üllő

From more than HUF 1.2 billion SPAR Hungary is building a new production plant in their logistics centre in Üllő, where mayonnaise salads and sandwiches will be made. Head of communications...

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SPAR is building a new plant in Üllő

The new plant of the SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. will be realized within a more than 1.2 billion HUF investment. In the new plant that will be situated in the...

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