Tag "sertés"

African swine fever has appeared near the Ukrainian-Hungarian border

Ten animals died in African swine fever (ASP) on a pig farm in Tiszaújlak near the Ukrainian-Hungarian border on 28 August. An extraordinary meeting was held in Nagyszőlős with the...

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The new slaughterhouse in Mohács is operating with a 75 percent capacity

The new slaughterhouse of the MCS Zrt., handed over at the end of April is operating with an almost 75 percent capacity in Mohács – the company told MTI. According...

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The focal point of African swine fever is closed by fence in the Czech Republic

The focal point of African swine fever in the Zlin region of East Moravia is closed by fence to prevent the spread of the epidemic, the local government said. There...

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Despite the VAT cuts, the price of pork increased

Pork has been significantly cheaper over the last year, so more and more people hear that there is nothing to do with VAT cuts because they can not lower the...

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The Galenbio Kft. is investing more than 550 million HUF on development

The Győr-Moson-Sopron County-based, Galenbio Kft. and its consortium partner, the Carlsbad Research Organization Szolgáltató Kft. won more than 330 million HUF EU support for the development of diagnostic kit. The...

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Chinese imports are pushing the swine prices

Due to China’s growing import demand, the Hungarian pig purchase prices have grown spectacularly recently. The Hungarian livestock farmers can expect favorable market developments over the medium term after the...

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It is not easy to release pig and poultry GMOs

The replacement of genetically modified (GMO) soybeans in cattle breeding can be relatively easily solved, but in the case of pigs and poultry, the Germans and Austrians who are far...

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Hungarian food exports increased by 37 percent over the past five years

The Hungarian food exports have increased by 37 percent over the past five years – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said in Herceghalom. At the meeting of the Federation of...

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Pork exports increased

Although the domestic pork exports rose sharply at the beginning of the year and imports only grew modestly, the competition continued to be sharp on the market between domestic and...

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Messze még a 6 millió sertés

Az állattartó telepek hatékonyságnövelő támogatására, az agrárképzés fejlesztésére és testre szabott finanszírozási megoldásokra van szükség ahhoz, hogy el lehessen érni Magyarországon a sertésstratégiában kitűzött 6 millió darabos állatlétszámot – írja...

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FM: Hungarian farmers lost twice

The crisis on the pork and dairy market highlighted the fact that the Hungarian agriculture does not have enough storage and processing capacity, which is why the Hungarian farmers lost...

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VHT: the pork strategy stabilized the situation in the sector

The pork strategy stabilized the situation of the sector – the Secretary of the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) told MTI on Wednesday. Menczel Lászlóné added...

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KSH: the cattle stock increased in the second half of 2016

The growth of the cattle population that is lasting since 2010 has continued. In the six months until 1 December, the number of cattle increased by 6 thousand. The pig...

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The EC expects a growth in the number of pigs in Europe

The European Commission expects a slow but steady increase in the European Union’s pig meat production from 2018 until 2026. According to the projection, the output will be around 23.9...

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Hungary’s pig exports declined

Hungary’s exports of live pigs decreased by 7 percent in the first nine months of 2016, compared to the year before. The main partners were Romania, Austria, Slovakia and Serbia....

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The EU sold 76 percent more pork to China

According to the data of the European Commission, the European Union sold 26 percent more pork in the international market in the first ten months of 2016, compared to a...

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Denmark is exporting infected pigs

Denmark is exporting thousands of infected pigs every year, and the breeders yet do nothing to prevent the epidemic. The bacterium is not a subject to the notification requirement neither...

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FM: the reduction of VAT on pork carcass meat caused smaller than expected budget revenue shortfall

The expected budget revenue shortfall was 20-22 billion HUF. The real budget revenue shortfall has become less than half of the expected amount – the Head of the Division of...

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Agricultural production prices: +1.2 percent

In July 2016 agricultural production prices increased by 1.2 percent from the level of July 2015. This rise was driven by the price of vegetable products growing by 1.2 percent...

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The cattle population has continued to grow

The cattle population has continued to grow and the number of sheep increased as well in a year, while pig and chicken stocks fell, and the number of poultry remained...

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Romania can export live pigs again from October

After thirteen years of embargo, Romania can export live pigs and processed meat goods again from October to the European Union – Achim Irimescu Romanian agriculture minister announced on Thursday....

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The WTO considers the Russian ban on pork illegal

The world trade organization (WTO) declared illegal the Russian ban on import of live pigs, fresh pork and other pig products from the EU. This was reported on the website...

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V4 countries urge measures in the dairy and pig markets

The agricultural chambers of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – want further steps to help the dairy and pig sectors. V4 countries...

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VHT: increasing buying prices in the pig sector

After the low point early this year, the purchase prices are growing, and so market conditions in the pig sector are rearranged – the Secretary of the Livestock and Meat...

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European pigs are popular

According to the European Commission, the European Union sold 35 percent more pork (1.3 million tons) in the international markets in 2016 in the first four months, compared to a...

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The highly successful swine campaign continues

The Magyar Turizmus Zrt., The Ministry of Agriculture and the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) draws attention to the domestic quality pork products from 20 to...

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V4 Chamber of Agriculture: milk producers and pig-breeders will have a difficult year

The milk producers and pig-breeders will have a difficult year – the representatives of the Agricultural Chamber of the Visegrád Group (V4) said in Czajowice, Poland held on 7-8 April...

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The pork campaign continues

The promotion of the high-quality branded pork products continues after the Easter store tasting – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Tuesday...

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The Marketing Board would facilitate the efficiency of the pig sector with integration

The Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) would facilitate the efficiency and competitiveness of the pig sector with integration, in order to achieve the government's pork strategy....

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Easter is the best with Hungarian ham

Easter is here again as well as the traditional, Hungarian quality ham. The Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian National Tourist Office, the General Directorate of the Agricultural Marketing Board and...

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