Tag "S-Budget"

SPAR’s food production plants switched to more efficient operation

In total, SPAR Hungary spent more than HUF 18.1 billion on the Regnum meat plants in Bicske and Perbá, as well as SPAR enjoy in Állő. convenience for the creation...

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In 2023, SPAR realized a turnover of over HUF 1 billion

SPAR Hungary achieved a turnover of HUF 1,023.2 billion in 2023, which represents an increase of 15.79% compared to the previous year. The company opened five new stores and modernized...

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70% less plastic for SPAR’s popular S-BUDGET minced pork

Compared to before, 70% less plastic must be used for the new, innovative, protective gas packaging of the popular S-BUDGET minced pork. Thanks to the savings achieved in this way,...

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Spar is flying high with its own brands

Spar Austria informed that last year they sold twice as many from the company’s private label energy drinks than from Red Bull products. Last year 45.7 million S-Budget energy drinks...

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