Tag "pszichológia"

TMK 2in1: workshop and meeting in one day

On June 6, the Trade Marketing Klub invited those interested to a meeting reminiscent of a barbecue party, in the event hall and terrace of the Anna Hotel Budapest. During...

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Motivációk a 21. században

A 20. század motivációi főleg a Maslow-piramis alapján születtek, amelyről kiderült, hogy a gazdasági életben nem igazán működik. A 21. század motivációinak kialakításához a fő felismerés az volt, hogy mindenki...

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(HU) Optimistának lenni annyit jelent, hogy vállaljuk a felelősséget

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Why is the inflation perceived by an individual higher than it is officially measured

There are a number of psychological factors that explain why inflation perceived by an individual is higher than it is officially measured. Official statistics give an accurate picture of the...

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(HU) Gyermekdalokkal az egészségtudatos életmódért?

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(HU) Ha fogyni akarsz, takaríts!

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Procrastinated, burnt-out youngsters

Horváth Bence, journalist of 444.hu, wrote an article based on his personal experiences on procrastination and burnout. “I’ve been planning to write an article about procrastination for years, but in...

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The little joys of our lives, or what makes Hungarians happy

A relatively new trend in psychology is positive psychology, which, true to its name, explores the paths and methods that lead to happiness and fulfillment. Generally speaking, both happiness and...

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Magazine: Mixed strategies to get satisfaction

‘Marketing and psychology’ was the title of the presentation László Mérő, professor of mathematics and psychology at ELTE in Budapest and Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, gave at the June meeting...

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