Tag "papírpohár"

This is how a paper cup is made – Video of the day

It’s a mesmerizing sight, how glasses are made from a pack of rolled-glued-wrapped sheets of paper: 130 pieces per minute!...

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What about the future os paper cups in Hungary?

The EU directive on the reduction of the environmental impact of certain plastic products, known as “SUP”, has introduced a consumption reduction provision for beverage cups, with a measurable reduction...

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(HU) Így lesz még zöldebb a sörözés!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Plastic cup out, paper cup in

In the vending machines of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország 100-percent recyclable paper cups are gradually going to replace single-use plastic cups in the first quarter of 2022. The company has also...

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Without a plastic lid

Every year more than 8 million tons of waste ends up in the seas and nearly 5 percent of this are plastic cup lids. Only in New York 1.5 billion...

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Rechargeable coffee cups at OMV

Instead of disposable paper cups we can drink coffee from rechargeable porcelain cups from October at the OMV VIVA filling stations. The unique cup does not only protect the environment,...

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Starbucks wants extra cash for paper coffee cups

In Britain, single-use coffee cups are becoming more and more problematic. The majority of the coffees requested are bought by buyers in paper bags, producing a lot of garbage. Due...

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