Tag "papírgyártás"

Vajda-Papír achieved an improvement in results and an increase in turnover in 2023

Hungary’s leading hygienic paper manufacturer, Vajda-Papír, achieved a record profit in 2023, both in absolute terms and in relation to sales, so it ended last year with an outstanding result,...

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Delta 500 Kft. won a grant to increase its paper production capacity.

Delta 500 Kft. from Mórahalom won a grant of more than HUF 200 million to increase its paper production capacity, the company told MTI. The company received HUF 209.3 million...

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Lucart was included in the top 1% of the world’s sustainably operating companies

Lucart, which supports sustainable paper production, received platinum certification from the independent agency EcoVadis, which is the highest recognition of corporate social responsibility. Only 1% of the more than 90,000...

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Vocational training in the paper industry will resume in Hungary after a break of several decades

After a break of several decades, full-time vocational training in paper production and processing in Hungary will resume in the 2021/2022 school year, due to the cooperation with the Ministry...

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Drenik Hungary Ltd’s investment in Szolnok creates hundreds of new jobs

One hundred and ten new jobs are created by the Serbian-owned paper production company Drenik Hungary Kft. MTI / János Mészáros Szijjártó Péter said that the government provides one billion...

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