Tag "önellátás"

Illés Boglárka: the government supports the strengthening of self-sufficiency in the food industry

The crises of recent years have shown that self-sufficiency is extremely important, especially in the fields of agriculture and the food industry, which is why the government continues to give...

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Soybean production must be increased further, the goal of which is also self-sufficiency

Agricultural subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also provided for the period until 2027, so the complete and comprehensive renewal of our agriculture and food industry can continue – stated Sándor...

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We continue to strengthen our country’s self-sufficiency

The Hungarian government stands behind all investments that support the further strengthening of our country’s self-sufficiency – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the...

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Secretary of State for Agriculture: the government views agriculture as a strategic sector

The foundations of Hungarian agriculture are stable, the measures of the past 13 years have made it clear that the government views Hungarian agriculture as a strategic sector – the...

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Mi Hazánk would encourage self-sufficient agriculture

At a press conference in Budapest on Friday, István Apáti, the party’s vice president, spoke: it is not known how long the Russo-Ukrainian war will last, but if the fighting...

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