Tag "OKSZ"

OKSZ: margin is not profit!

The international food retailer member companies of the National Trade Federation (OKSZ) would like to share the following facts regarding the news published in recent days regarding food inflation. Margin...

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Margin stop: Exaggeration or necessary step? OKSZ’s criticism of the government’s measures

The government’s margin freeze has sparked another controversy in the food retail sector. The measure aims to prevent unreasonably high margins on basic foodstuffs, but according to the National Trade...

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The OKSZ Takes a Stand on the Margin Cap Regulation

Regarding the government’s proposed price regulation measure, the National Trade Association (OKSZ) believes that competition-based pricing is the most effective way to preserve and strengthen consumers’ purchasing power while achieving...

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Márton Nagy negotiated with OKSZ about food prices

We are working to reduce food prices! – the Minister of National Economy announced on his social media page, adding that he consulted with representatives of the National Trade Federation...

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OKSZ also fights against inflation

The food retail member companies of the National Trade Association welcome the Ministry of National Economy’s efforts to closely monitor food price developments in order to protect Hungarian families. The...

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Hungarian Retailers Unite for Charity During the Holiday Season

Seven major Hungarian food retail chains—Aldi, Auchan, Lidl, Penny, SPAR, Tesco, and Metro—are continuing their tradition of supporting those in need during the holiday season. Through donations of food, clothing,...

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Europe’s Day in Commerce: the sector is changing

Europe’s Day in Commerce has been organised for the 20th time, with the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) once again highlighting the strategic importance of the domestic retail...

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MOHU spoke up about the DRS limit

As of October 26, the MOHU reduced the amount available for redeeming beverage packaging to HUF 5,000 in one transaction, in response to the request of the National Trade Association...

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Winners of this year’s Symbol of Sustainability competition announced

Trade magazin has organised the Symbol of Sustainability competition for the fifth time. From the entries 14 winners were selected in seven categories. Symbol of Sustainability seeks to showcase successful...

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The OKSZ is optimistic about the introduction of mandatory promotions

Since the first of July, mandatory store promotions, which had been a prescribed practice for retailers for certain products, have been abolished in Hungary. At the same time, the last...

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OKSZ: care must be taken with returnable bottles

As of July 1, 2024, metal, plastic, and glass beverage packages sold in stores over 400m2 must be exchanged with the return exchange machines provided by MOHU, with the exception...

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The National Trade Association welcomes the elimination of mandatory promotions from July 1

The National Trade Association welcomes the elimination of mandatory promotions from July 1. In cooperation with the government, retailers also tried to make an effective contribution to curbing inflation, consumers...

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Representing interests – irrespective of company size

In the following interview Dr Tamás Kozák, secretary general of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) analyses the biggest challenges and successes of the Hungarian retail trade sector in 2023. This...

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OKSZ’s food retailer member companies are at the forefront of food donation

The reduction of food waste is treated as a priority task by international or mixed-owned food retailers operating in Hungary. Waste loss is reduced to a minimum with automated product...

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OKSZ elected officials and renewed its operations

The National Trade Association held a general meeting yesterday. At the general meeting, the new members of the Supervisory Board were elected and the representative of PENNY-MARKET Kft. was approved...

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Dr. Tamás Kozák: the retail tax took away the profit of the shops

The new general secretary of the National Trade Association (OKSZ), Dr. Tamás Kozák, participated for the first time as a professional speaker at the Pénzcentrum RETAIL DAY 2024 conference. In...

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New general secretary at the head of the National Trade Association

Dr. Tamás Kozák replaces György Vámos in the position of secretary general of OKSZ. The OKSZ member companies express their gratitude to György Vámos for the work he has done...

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There will be more than 1,400 beverage packaging return machines in food stores

From the first of January, the mandatory deposit return system of the packaging of soft drinks and spirits – plastic, metal, glass bottles – in some shops; the food trading...

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The National Trade Association is looking for a general secretary

The National Trade Association, one of Hungary’s leading advocacy organizations, is looking for a general secretary. OKSZ’s membership is diverse, its members are various Hungarian and international market-leading retail, online...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Shops adrift at the sea of costs

2022 was a difficult year for stores. Amidst the depressing inflation, families kept cutting back their spending month by month in the second half of the year, in terms of...

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OKSZ: The Government should lift the price cap and abolish the retail tax

The member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) were outraged to learn that the retail tax in the sales revenue above 100 billion was increased from 4.1% to 4.5%...

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Price stop: potatoes are not currently available, but consumer protection checks are

On May 19, representatives of the Government provided information that consumer protection had conducted another price-fixing raid. According to their announcement, consumer protection is deploying all its resources to take...

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National Trade Association: starting from Saturday, stores may crowded

Customers are more careful, they did not bring their Easter shopping as far in advance as before, so especially busy days can be expected in the stores from Saturday, the...

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Stricter regulations regarding the sale of price-fixed foods will come into effect from Thursday

In accordance with the government decree published at the end of the year, shops must in some cases keep in stock up to twice the amount of officially priced products...

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The National Trade Association examines how retailers are preparing for the energy crisis

In the midst of the current serious energy crisis, the member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) – all professional groups, such as food, drug stores, distributors of various...

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OKSZ: Planned windfall tax narrows room for manoeuvre for businesses

At its 27 May 2022 meeting, the National Trade Association (OKSZ) analysed the possible consequences of the government’s planned extra profit tax in the retail sector. OKSZ came to the...

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The companies of the OKSZ member have prepared their first food rescue plan

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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OKSZ Secretary-General: retail sales to gain momentum in February

Retail sales could gain momentum in February due to rising incomes, one-time benefits and changes affecting trade, the secretary general of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) told MTI on Monday....

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The big chain stores will close at noon on December 24

The stores of the largest retail chains – Aldi, Auchan, Lidl, Penny Market, Spar, Tesco – will close at 12 noon on December 24, with a few exceptions, the National...

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