Tag "női munkavállalók"

The well-being of female employees is supported by the new DEI program of Publicis Groupe Hungary

The program introduced in May, within the framework of the European Diversity Month, is an integral part of the company’s DEI, well-being and open corporate communication strategy this year, and...

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This year, the Maltesers brand renews its commitment to supporting women

The Maltesers brand, famous for its delicious chocolate balls, renews its commitment to support women this year. It is proud to be at the forefront of efforts aimed at improving...

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Mars Launches #HereToBeHeard Campaign to Advance Action on Gender Equality

Mars, Incorporated today launched #HereToBeHeard, a new global crowdsourcing campaign that elevates the voices of women from all intersections – including race, age, sexuality, religion and ability – to help...

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Hungarian women would like to start their own business

According to a survey conducted by Coca-Cola Hungary, the biggest challenges for women today are finding a job with small children, having too many tasks to do, and harmonising working...

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Diversity and Unity: female workers and managers at Unilever

More than seventy percent of the sales of Unilever is carried out by female customers and women also play a key role in the life on the company both on...

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