Tag "NiT Hungary"

NiT Hungary – Hungary also joins the e-CMR convention

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NiT Hungary: immediate and significant price increase could be a way out of the serious situation in the freight market

Immediate and significant price increase can be a way out of the serious situation of the freight market. The Magánvállalkozók Nemzeti Fuvarozó Ipartestülete (NiT Hungary) told MTI that the competitiveness...

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NiT Hungary: Hungarian carriers can exclude from the EU markets

According to NiT Hungary, Hungarian carriers may be forced out of the EU markets if the posting directive on the mobility package presented by the European Parliament (EP) to be...

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The carriers asked the prime minister for assistance

The National Carrier Guild of the Entrepreneurs (NiT Hungary) sent a letter to the Prime Minister to represent their case at the negotiations of the Visegrád Fours and in France...

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The competitiveness of domestic road transport may increase significantly

The country's largest carrier advocacy organization’s, the NIT Hungary’s main objective is to strengthen the market position of the Hungarian transportation in Europe. At the regional members' meeting on 28...

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The freighters request the restoration of the 18 years age limit from the European Commission

The National Freighters’ Industrial Corporation of Private Entrepreneurs (NiT Hungary) turned to the European Commission (EC) and requested the restoration of the 18 years age limit in order to eliminate...

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EKAER: the NiT Hungary ask for a longer fine-free period

The NiT Hungary ask for the extension of the fine-free test period from the government. The Executive Secretary General of the advocacy organization, Dittel Gábor wrote a letter to Varga...

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Hungary’s largest carriers' representative organization to celebrate jubilee

The Magánvállalkozók Nemzeti Fuvarozó Ipartestülete (NiT Hungary) Industrial Corporation of Private Carriers will celebrate its 25th birthday this year. The NiT Hungary has about 3,000 members, including 599 bus and...

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