Katalin Neubauer: We hope that retail can now return to the old, pre-Covid way of funkctioning

In March 2023, the Hungarian retail sector showed promising signs of recovery, as highlighted by Katalin Neubauer, Secretary-General of the Hungarian National Trade Association, in her statement to InfoRadio. Neubauer...

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Domestic small shops are the big losers from mandatory card payments

Adapting to new government regulations is a serious challenge for domestic traders, especially due to rapidly changing regulations. This was reported by Katalin Neubauer, the secretary general of the Hungarian...

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Katalin Neubauer: the extension of the mandatory promotions has a market-distorting effect

According to the announcement of the Hungarian Government, it will extend the system of mandatory promotions until the end of June 2024, which the Secretary General of the Hungarian National...

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Katalin Neubauer: the entire retail trade is in a vulnerable position

The high prices are not the fault of the retailers, but rather the result of the high fixed energy costs of producers and suppliers,” said Katalin Neubauer, the Secretary General...

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The price cap often means a loss of HUF 300 per kilo or liter

Katalin Neubauer, secretary general of the Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ), spoke to Index about the consequences of the price cap for traders. “It is most noticeable in the case...

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After the end of the price cap, a large increase in food prices is still expected this year

The guests of ATV Start were Katalin Neubauer, Secretary General, Hungarian National Trade Association and András Máhr, Deputy Secretary General, National Association of Agricultural Cooperatives and Producers, and the topic...

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MNKSZ: the interests of Hungarian retailers represented in the European Union

The Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ) represents the interests of 100-percent Hungarian-owned retailers. Combined sales revenue of the 260 members exceeds HUF 1,000 billion in a year. 70 percent of...

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NEUBAUER KATALIN at Business Days 2018


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