Tag "Nemzeti Talajtani Adatbázis"

Nébih relies on the public’s opinion in the soil protection questionnaire

The soil protection effort of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is to present the population with the diversity of our country’s soils, soil cultivation and nutrient management habits,...

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The test results illustrating the condition of Hungarian soils will soon be available to everyone

The results of the soil protection laboratory tests carried out in Hungary will soon be available to all interested parties. The data will greatly support research related to one of...

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The data can be submitted directly to the National Soil Database

Nébih’s new service has been launched, which enables laboratories performing soil tests to send data directly to the National Soil Database. The WSDL description of the updated WEB-API service is...

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Nébih and MATE won a grant for the development of the National Laboratory of Agricultural Technology

For the development of the National Laboratory of Agricultural Technology, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has won a substantial grant of HUF 1.2 billion, jointly with the Hungarian...

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The first version of the interface description of the National Soil Database is available

In order to prepare the laboratory software, Nébih published the informative WSDL description of the WEB-API service of the National Soil Database. The purpose of this document is to give...

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