Nébih: Auchan recalled sesame paste from the market

Auchan Magyarország Kft. is recalling the Alfez Tahini sesame paste due to the risk of salmonella, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Friday. The agency asks...

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Nébih: improved results at the Tisza summer seasonal food chain inspection

In the last week of June, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) inspected the restaurants operating at Lake Tisza, and the experiences of the first target area of ​​the...

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Nébih: Auchan recalled cheese from the market

Auchan Magyarország Kft. recalled the Auchan Premium MMM! Cantal cheese has matured for a medium-long time because it is microbiologically unsuitable, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI...

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Lunch is waiting on the shelf

A new generation of modern semi-prepared foods and ready meals is emerging, and manufacturers are responding quickly to new demands in healthy eating, sustainability, alternative proteins and exploring foreign cuisines....

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Nébih: Auchan recalled milk shakes from the market

Auchan Magyarország Kft. is recalling the An Kedvenc Bar. Milk shake due to the presence of an allergen (milk) not indicated on the label in Hungarian, the National Food Chain...

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Nébih: 3 out of 27 gins did not meet the requirements

In the comparative examination of the product test of the Süpermenta program, 27 gins were analyzed, of which 3 did not meet the legal requirements based on the food quality...

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Nestlé has recalled glass MAGGI sauces from the market

Due to the presence of unlabeled gluten, the distributor Nestlé Hungária Kft. recalled the MAGGI Zöldfűszeres Bolognai, MAGGI Klasszikus Bolognai and MAGGI Arrabiata glass sauce 500 gram products from the...

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Realising what has been planned

Imre Nemes has been the president of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) for almost a year, and our magazine asked him about experiences, results, priority projects and plans...

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Nébih relies on the public’s opinion in the soil protection questionnaire

The soil protection effort of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is to present the population with the diversity of our country’s soils, soil cultivation and nutrient management habits,...

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Nébih: ALDI recalled dried apricots from the market

Due to the possible presence of sulfur dioxide above the limit value, ALDI Magyarország Élélmiszer Bt. recalled Happy Harvest dried apricots from the market – the National Food Chain Safety...

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Bird flu: the mandatory confinement of poultry has ended

Thanks to the favorable development of the bird flu epidemic situation, dr.  Szabolcs Pásztor National Chief Veterinarian withdrew the regulation on keeping poultry indoors. However, the obligation of closed feeding...

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Fighting food waste with funny posters

The National Food Chain Safety Office’s (Nébih) No Leftovers programme is launching another creative challenge for Sustainability Week: a poster design competition entitled “Let’s throw food waste in the bin”,...

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The risk management of producers can only be improved through cooperation

On June 20, 2024, the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI) hosted the workshop entitled “Experiences of the agricultural risk management system in 2023” for the tenth time. After presenting the results...

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EFSA: can the use of smoke flavors involve health risks, can several products disappear?

Based on a recent report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Commission has decided to withdraw artificial smoke flavors from the market, as they may pose significant...

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The retail distribution of vegetable seedlings was controlled by Nébih

Traders selling seedlings on the markets have been inspected by Nébih specialists in recent weeks, stated Dr.Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture. The state secretary emphasized that...

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The test results of the sharp-strong pepper seeds are not spicy

Specialists of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined the seeds of hot peppers in the latest test of the Supermenta program. The product test ended with a satisfactory...

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The test results illustrating the condition of Hungarian soils will soon be available to everyone

The results of the soil protection laboratory tests carried out in Hungary will soon be available to all interested parties. The data will greatly support research related to one of...

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Be careful when buying plants from abroad!

Did you like a plant during your holiday outside the European Union and would you like to take it home?Do not do it! We can bring not only a beautiful,...

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A virus threatening sweet potatoes has appeared in domestic propagating material production

From a phytosanitary point of view, a virus that damages sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) has appeared in our country. Although experts have previously detected the virus causing chlorotic dwarfism in the...

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Nébih: Auchan recalled quick-frozen green beans

Auchan Magyarország Kft. recalled the 450-gram Auchan quick-frozen cut green beans from the market due to the possible presence of a snapping mask, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)...

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Nébih spends almost 1 billion forints on development and training at its experimental and breeding stations

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is modernizing the infrastructure of its variety testing and breeding stations in Monorierdő, Pölöské, Székkutas and Tordas with a non-refundable grant of HUF...

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Nébih spends almost HUF 1 billion to develop its experimental and breeding stations

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) will modernize the infrastructure of its variety testing and breeding stations in Monorierdő, Pölöske, Székkutas and Tordas with a HUF 985 million non-refundable...

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The health of plants means the future of all of us

 Plants provide one of the bases of food supply: without plant cultivation, there would be no food or fodder. If plants die, it affects the livelihood of farmers and producers,...

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The Nébih confirmed a bird flu infection in a cat

As in several other countries, the highly pathogenic bird flu virus has been detected in mammals. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) identified the pathogen in a domestic cat...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 was successful in every respect

This year’s SIRHA Budapest was a big success. HUNGEXPO welcomed the most important representatives of the Hungarian and the regional gastronomy sector for the sixth time. On 30,000m² more than...

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Nébih closed a restaurant in Debrecen due to serious food safety risks

During the inspection of a restaurant in Debrecen, experts from the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found hygienic conditions and monitoring deficiencies that posed a serious food safety risk,...

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Crop security can only be achieved with suitable seeds

In view of the planting season, the authority checked seed samples in the past period. About the action dr. Márton Nobilis, the Secretary of State responsible for food industry and...

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The administration of vineyard school operators becomes easier with a new form

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of vineyard operators to the new form available on the office’s website. Nébih created the electronic registration form, which can be...

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Nébih: a moldy nutritional supplement has been withdrawn from the market

Dragon Superfoods Bio In Shape Mix 200 gram nutritional supplement powder has been withdrawn from circulation due to the presence of molds and Bacillus cereus spores by Culinaris Retail Kft.,...

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Mandatory type certification of plant protection machines and spraying drones

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informs the companies that manufacture and/or distribute plant protection machines – including spraying drones – that Regulation 43/2010 on plant protection activities (IV....

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