Tag "NAK"

As spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Domestic lettuce and spring onions are available on the market almost all year round, but larger quantities are available in early spring, when imported goods are replaced by domestic produce...

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All elements of the cultivation system must be reconsidered for successful frost protection

Spring came early again this year, and the unusual February weather will certainly have a serious impact on domestic fruit production. According to the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, protection against...

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Quality seed is the basis of successful crop production

Quality seed – quality crop. The National Chamber of Agriculture and the Inter-Trade Association and Product Council of the Seed Association draw attention to the importance of using metal-sealed seeds....

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Domestic shepherds are preparing for a busy Easter period

This year’s Easter season starts with favorable prospects for domestic sheep breeders. The European market is seeing a growing demand, which is further increased by the Muslim Ramadan holiday, which...

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Healthy products are the most sought after in the cereal market

Among cereal flakes, healthy products are the most sought-after according to the overview of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK), which also reveals that the composition of cereal flakes...

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NAK joined the call sent to the EU by EU agricultural interest representatives

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has joined the Copa-Cogeca open letter, in which the EU’s agricultural producers and cooperatives are asking the president of the European Commission to...

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On February 29, the III. REL EXPO, the short food supply chain conference and exhibition

The Short Food Supply Chain Expo and Conference will soon reopen in the main organization of the Kislépték Association and in the co-organization of the National Chamber of Agriculture and...

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The product categories of High Quality Food are being expanded

The number of product categories of the Excellent Quality Food mark may soon be expanded – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) announced to MTI on Monday. According to the...

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Balázs Győrffy: the V4 agricultural organizations are holding a joint farmer demonstration

The agrarian chambers of the Visegrad countries are organizing a joint demonstration together with the representatives of Latvia and Lithuania on February 22, drawing the public’s attention to the fact...

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The agricultural chambers of six countries jointly call on Brussels: end the impossibility of European farmers!

In addition to the Hungarian National Chamber of Agriculture, the agricultural chambers of five other countries strongly warn the decision-makers of the European Union not to destroy Europe’s agriculture. The...

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There is no future without farmers! Producers demonstrating in Záhony demanded the introduction of an immediate import ban on Ukrainian goods from Brussels

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), domestic producers held a farmers’ demonstration at the border crossing in...

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Let’s choose Hungarian-grown ornamental plants for Women’s Day as well!

Despite rising prices, Hungarians are not giving up on buying flowers for the spring holidays, according to the joint market overview of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Professional...

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The national ice damage mitigation system protects 9.3 million hectares of land

The national ice damage mitigation system, which has been in operation since 2018 and protects 9.3 million hectares of land, will continue to be operated with HUF 2 billion government...

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AM State Secretary: precision production is inevitable for the competitiveness of agriculture

Farmers who want to remain competitive on the international market cannot avoid the use of data-based and precision technologies, said the Secretary of State responsible for agriculture and rural development...

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The Chamber of Agriculture is launching a nationwide series of events on water conservation in February

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) will launch a series of national events in February on agricultural practices that conserve water, the chamber told MTI on Monday. The “Changing climate, adaptive...

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“Changing climate, adaptive soil and water management!” NAK is launching a series of national events entitled

The National Chamber of Agriculture is launching a series of national events on agricultural practices related to the preservation of water in the landscape. The “Changing climate, adaptive soil and water...

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NAK-MAGOSZ: We will use all means against Brussels’ new destructive measures

MAGOSZ and NAK strongly reject the measure proposed by the European Commission the other day, with which they would extend the completely free import of Ukrainian foodstuffs for another year. The...

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NAK: the Hungarians unitedly supported the domestic farmers in the national consultation

The Hungarians unitedly stood up for the domestic farmers in the national consultation – the president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) wrote on his Facebook page on...

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MAGOSZ and NAK negotiated with the largest Italian agricultural interest representation

The leadership of Coldiretti, the largest Italian agricultural interest representation, was received by István Jakab, president of MAGOSZ, and Balázs Győrffy, president of the National Chamber of Agriculture. According to Ettore...

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Beetroot is a kitchen staple for autumn and winter

Beetroot is the base for many special dishes. Its eye-catching colour makes dishes look better, and eating as much as possible is a good idea, thanks to its nutritional value...

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Open letter: The National Chamber of Agricultural Economics stands by the German farmers and agrees with their legitimate demands!

The coalition led by Olaf Scholz wants to reduce what they call “climate-damaging subsidies” by around three billion euros in 2024, sending a declaration of war to the farming community...

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István Nagy: agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed in 2024

Agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed for 2024, the budget will add HUF 650 billion to the rural development resources, said the Minister of Agriculture at his annual press conference in...

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Members can count on NAK not only as a public body, but also as a service provider

In the past year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy helped its members with many services in the field of laboratory services, agricultural insurance, and various trainings. In the past...

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Last year’s legislative proposals of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy were successful

Legislation did not rest in the past year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) also took an active part in the development and amendment of legislation affecting agriculture and...

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The winter pantry hides a treasure

The queen of root vegetables is tuberous celery, which can be included in our diet in extremely diverse ways. More and more people are recognizing the benefits of vegetables with a...

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NAK-Húszövesség: a significant turnover of hot dogs is expected at the end of the year again this year

Despite the change in consumer habits, a significant amount of hot dogs may be sold domestically in the last days of the year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK)...

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Viharos vizeken a magyar halászat

A magyar haltermelőknek több nehézséggel is meg kellett küzdeniük az elmúlt évben. 2022 száraz és aszályos nyara elsősorban a dunántúli völgyzáró gátas tavakban okozott vízhiányt, de a sekély vizekben a „megszokottnál”...

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A record amount of agricultural payments in Hungarian agriculture this year

With this year’s HUF 1,300 billion, a record amount of agricultural agricultural payments will be made in Hungary by the end of 2023, said the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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The efficiency of pig farming has improved

The domestic pig sector has made significant progress in the last few years. Although the stock fell in line with the European trend, the reduction is partly due to increased efficiency....

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Three people received NAK’s Károlyi award

Szabolcs Fazekas, Tibor Kozma and Imre Rácz received the recognition established by the chamber. NAK’s national delegate meeting was hosted by the Specialized Museum of Agricultural Equipment and Machine Development...

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